Monday, November 18, 2013

This is Autism (Nightengale)

Written by Nightengale

Originally published at nightengalesknd

I wake up in the morning and check my livejournal, a certain set of blogs that are updated daily, the CNN headlines and the MSN online crossword puzzle. Sometimes the order varies, and sometimes I don’t have time, but by and large, this is my routine and I stick with my routine. I like routine. This is autism.

I get my things together for work. I have to keep my keys and ID lanyard in the same place, because I can never find anything. Sometimes I can’t find my glasses because I put them down somewhere. I look with my fingers because I may not reliably see them, even though I see fine (even without my glasses.) I have to double and triple check that I have my purse, my lunch, my cell phone. I am disorganized in time and space. This is autism too.

Continue reading at nightengalesknd

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