Monday, November 18, 2013

This is Autism...Through Jack's Eyes

Created by Jack via Reinventing Mommy

Originally posted at Reinventing Mommy

Author's note: Today brings forth an initiative from the autistic and ally community to show the world just what autism is in light of Suzanne Wright's controversial op-ed piece in which she repeatedly lists various fear-inducing traits followed by the phrase "This is autism."

I was going to write something for Jack. On behalf of Jack. But as I thought more about it, I really wanted this to be from Jack. He doesn't have the words for it at this time - though I am hoping one day he will, in his own way - but he still has a voice. His voice can just be heard if we have the courage to think outside of the box at what he has to say. 

Jack loves to take "selfies" with my camera. He grabs it, he knows how to push the button, and he takes entire series of photos that are a testament to who he is. So here is autism, through Jack's lens (the captions are mine, of course, but the pictures are 100% Jack)...


Autism is love and comfort in the arms of another. 

Autism is uniqueness and seeing the world from a different angle, in a different way. 

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